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Dream Chaser
on July 17, 2018
In Album: Drawings
Dimension: 2732 x 1536
File Size: 1.28 Mb
13 people like this.
Bright Brave
When are you making animated shorts?
Like July 17, 2018
Dream Chaser
Like July 17, 2018
Briea Lyn Miller
Your art is always so amazing!
Like July 17, 2018
Dream Chaser
Thank you. ^_^ I plan on changing that once in a while.
Like July 17, 2018
Zero The Ermine
If you were to write and draw a comic I would love to read it
Like July 17, 2018
Dream Chaser
Thank you. ^w^
Like July 17, 2018
i think i know what this is. it's the "Patience, young Ponawan" scene from Star Wars: The Last Changeling
Like July 17, 2018 Edited