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Princess Neon Synthwave
on January 5, 2019
Title: Highest priest of the Righteousness trinity
Sex: Prefers not to indulge in an organism's delight
Age: Older than the war
Race: Ancient research and gathering sentient intelligence machine
Coat: grey with black here and there.
Mane: Non existent
Eyes: Red
Skills: Is able to use bring hope to those who have none as well as peace and serenity. Argsim is also good at making tea that soothes
Bio: ARGSIM is a tall figure with a slender body and a slight hunchback position. Its square head rests on a horizonal neck allowing said head to rotate 360 degrees. Its eye will do the same to focus in. Kinda like a camera. Its arms are long and have pointed fingers at the end. Not for intimidation or harm. Only to aid with grabbing things. Its legs are medium length though it can run at decent speeds and can crawl like it was a beast of some kind. ARGSIM is always wearing a white robe with gold accents to hide its robotic parts.
Despite Argsim existing before the war, it remembers nothing of it. In truth it tries not to speak about it at all and would rather be a pacifist, seeing first hand what destruction it left behind. Argsim's leadership has never been questioned either despite its sudden rise. The only ones who have were the ones who remembered it from the war. Those who saw its true purpose. They tell a different story about the leader the new city admires
Dimension: 600 x 600
File Size: 64.18 Kb
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