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on December 11, 2017
As I was doing nothing, I got this wonderful popup telling me about how a popup failed to be created (ironic), and I got disconnected.
Dimension: 1269 x 948
File Size: 626.96 Kb
1 person liked this.
Adrian Coalhopper
You and literally everyone else for the past few days.
Like December 11, 2017
First time happening to me uwu
Like December 11, 2017
Nacle, since you seem pretty knowledgeable, like a professional, check with others then read the rules. c:
Like December 11, 2017 Edited
I already read the rules uwu And I can't guess that people already encountered it if nobody posted about it on that page. That's also why I post it, so people that get the error in the future know it has already ahppened and don't need to repost it
Like December 11, 2017