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Butterscotch Ormand
on February 10, 2019
This software has been out since 1992 and Microsoft still thinks this is an appropriate way to alphabetize something.
Dimension: 212 x 141
File Size: 2.82 Kb
3 people like this.
It is, otherwise there would be far worse bugs/issues. That's why many people use 01, 02, etc. ^^
Like February 10, 2019
Butterscotch Ormand
//I get it. Still annoying. Guess I'll live with it.
Like February 10, 2019
Yeah, just one of those unfortunate things X3 I've temporarily lost a few docs this way XD
Like February 10, 2019
Butterscotch Ormand
//At least their saving compute power and dev time only comparing the literal strings instead of finagling around the last few characters for comparison.
Like February 10, 2019