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Eclipcia Darkmoon
on February 14, 2019
Hey Abby, I decided to make you your own Hearts and Hooves card since you posted so many great ones for your friends. x3 Hope you like it!
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 1.06 Mb
1 person liked this.
Ho. Lee. Shit. Someone actually did some reading and found out my real name. Kudos to you! -huggles tight- And friend shall we be!
Like February 14, 2019
Eclipcia Darkmoon
*Squees as he gets hugged and hugs back* Well, yeah. :P You gotta be formal with a valentine. I was looking for a last name or something in your profile so I could address you properly. Full name works too. cx
Like February 14, 2019