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Mashiro Miku
on March 17, 2019
My little pony Trixie and Mew
Time: 6 hours : alpha watercolor + buncho poster colour + derwent watercolor pencil
Hi is a Pokemon series again weeeeeee, i hope this series will help me get more fan hehe
If you donate to me it will help me so much
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My commission is always open .
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now my new commission
you can choose your favo pokemon and your Oc play together wee
Pokemon + Pony + backgroud 15$
if you want add more than 1 pokemon or pony,1 character + 4$
only acept Paypal
Dimension: 1200 x 815
File Size: 1.39 Mb
9 people like this.
Solar Blaze
Oh my I love dis!
Like March 17, 2019
Bright Brave
Oh ky days
Like March 17, 2019