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Poli Star Agasha
on March 18, 2019
You need to answer the quiz before looking at the results.
"Hmmm...I look really funny back then...heh." he said looking at his album book.
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Sophie H.
"I know that flower! It's a tasty flower"
Like March 19, 2019
Poli Star Agasha
"And you can't have it. It's Moine. >3> "
Like March 19, 2019
Sophie H.
"I've plenty of my garden.." she says with a shrug.
Like March 19, 2019
“What were you up to..?” She stares at the picture with him “you look somewhat eviiil”
Like March 19, 2019
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Poli Star Agasha
"Hmm.....yummy strawberry candy..." He said as he began to think what type of candy that has strawberry. "I think there are some candy that you will like. There is strawberry Taffy, strawberry gummy bears or worms, strawberry lollipop, what else.." he said as he thinks.
Like March 19, 2019
“Oh!” She pulled gently at Poli’s tail as she knows what she wants “papa poli?” She murmurs “ I want strawberry gummy bears and lollipop!” She smiled with Glee, hoping to get these from him though where is the candystore?
Like March 19, 2019
Poli Star Agasha
"You want some strawberry gummy bears and a strawberry lollipop? Ok then let's go to the candy store and get chu some. I know where it's at." Poli said as he stands up on his fours as he looks at His daughter. "Hop on my back sweetie." He said giving her a ride.
Like March 19, 2019
Like March 19, 2019
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Poli Star Agasha
"Alright then come and get your squishy hugs!" He said with a smile opening his arms to Abby.
Like March 19, 2019
She shamelessly flops against with a squee, wrapping the drgpone in a tight hug!
Like March 19, 2019
Poli Star Agasha
Poli squees a bit as she came in for a very tight hug, as he as well huggles back the mare gently!
Like March 19, 2019