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Derpy Hooves
on March 22, 2019
Dimension: 1200 x 675
File Size: 72.71 Kb
9 people like this.
"Derpy, you're the best mailmare!" Zaten gives Derpy a hug.
Like March 22, 2019
Dally politely accepts the offer, beaming proudly! ... he proceeds to snarf the thing down in only two bites, cheeks bulging with cakey muffin-y goodness. He gives an approving nod.
Like March 22, 2019
Virtuous Flight
Sir Flight accepts the offer, he feels he needs to gain a bit of weight. "Thanks for the muffin, madam."
Like March 22, 2019
Derpy Hooves
"Sorry everypony! No more muffins! :c" She says sadly.
Like March 23, 2019