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Distant Shores
on December 13, 2017
Full Name: Distant Shores
Age: Early twenties
Gender: ♀
Species/Breed: Pegasus
Personality: Loving, kind, and extremely giving. A bit formal at first, but opens up quickly. Believes endlessly in others, but has very little self-confidence outside of a select few circumstances. Hopelessly romantic and a little naive. Dreams of someday finding her special somepony and starting a family. Speaks with a posh, formal accent.
Likes: Surfing (cutie mark talent); swimming; marine biology; basically anything even vaguely beach-y; coffee; her students; romance novels; hugs!
Dislikes: Flying (poor flier, next to no weather ability); deliberately hurtful ponies; seeing other ponies in distress or pain; herself
Fears: Magic (moderate phobia); fighting/physical conflict; her mother
Weaknesses: Magic vulnerability (magic tends to be very potent when used on Distant Shores, especially if that magic has ill effects to begin and even common spells may have unexpected side effects when used upon her directly); meek flier (she can fly, but she isn't grand at it and as noted above, while she can cloud walk, she has very little ability to work weather or shape clouds)
Strengths: Swimming and surfing (where he wings fail her in the air, she can use them quite well in the water or on a surfboard); emotionally astute (she's proven to be quite good at recognizing the feelings of those around her, largely through tone and body language); well read (an academic at heart with a passion for learning, if posed with an academic question that she doesn't know, it's quite likely she'd know where to look or who to ask to find the appropriate answer); well traveled (in her youth, her family traveled all around Equestria and beyond and that has given Shores with exposure to many cultures)
Occupation/Job: School teacher (though I have toyed with the idea of having her open up a tropical-style restaurant called The Big KaLuna)
Talents: Surfing, swimming (cutie mark); cooking (certainly not the best cook ever or as capable as a pony whose cutie mark is for such, but she knows her way around a kitchen and enjoys making a variety of home-cooked meals)
Years of Education: She was privately tutored while her family traveled but spent six years in proper schooling when she went to college and university
Level of Education: University
Dimension: 792 x 612
File Size: 394.99 Kb
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