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Gallant Frost
on March 29, 2019
The large stallion rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, a small smile on his lips.
"Hello everypony, I'm Gallant Frost... it's nice to be here."
((Art by Zakkurro on deviantart))
Dimension: 1200 x 1360
File Size: 3.1 Mb
24 people like this.
"Interesting...An actual case of Gigantism as well as an overly fluffy body. Of course we would have to do blood work and a genetics workup to confirm however with your size it would certainly show a history of other large family members" The doc has a clipboard and hes flicking through it. "Well if... View More
Like March 29, 2019
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the doctor seemed akward but a well meaning fellow "Well im bad at the socializing but im relatively harmless otherwise" He smiled meeting the stallions eyes. In the brief moment of their eyes meeting the doc seemed genuinely average, at least what can be considered average in a place like this "Wel... View More
Like March 29, 2019
Gallant Frost
Gallant was in fact rather enjoying the conversation with the Doc, even if it was all about his health. "I am a woodworker. I do not use any substances nor do I have any addictions. I'm 66 inches tall on all fours, weight about 1300 pounds last I checked, and I was born on December 18th of 1988."
Like March 29, 2019
The doc nods while listening. He has a fountain pen in his magic and is writing this all down quickly and in normal doctor scrawl so its illegible to anyone but him "Well you are in better shape than most of my clients in any case. You wear a respirator when wood working?" The doc looked back up at ... View More
Like March 29, 2019
Nitro Lionheart
"You look like a stallion that can't seem to let something go." Nitro pointed out while holding a stick of dynamite.
Like March 29, 2019
Ivory Charm
"Oh, hello there."
Like March 29, 2019
// He's A Cutie.
Like March 29, 2019