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Princess Luna
on March 29, 2019
I have been practicing The Royal Laugh for many moons now! If only somepony would tell me something funny.
Dimension: 629 x 629
File Size: 385.89 Kb
7 people like this.
"Hey Luna, stop mooning me~"
Like March 30, 2019
Zaten sits and BROODS because he can't help Luna use her laugh. "All my jokes are bad :c"
Like March 30, 2019
Silver Shield
"Didn't stop me~"
Like March 30, 2019
"I don't have any jokes at the moment, either!" :c
Like March 30, 2019
Princess Celestia
“The royal laugh? What are you, ancient?”
Like March 30, 2019
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"You're both ancient!" Zaten giggles before running away before he'd get caught.
Like March 30, 2019
Princess Luna
tia are those crows feet i see under your eyes :)))
Like March 30, 2019
Queen Lesa
"So this Pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel sticking out of his crotch, and the bartender says. Hey buddy, what's with the wheel? And the pirate says. Arg, it's driving me nuts!"
Like March 30, 2019
Nitro Lionheart
Nitro with a rebuttal, "What's a pirate's favorite letter?"
Like March 30, 2019