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on April 4, 2019
Hey, Bright! I added you! How’s it look? Now I just need a Solar and a Lunar... hmmm
Dimension: 1200 x 825
File Size: 378.75 Kb
4 people like this.
Or just some other random ponies, oof
Like April 4, 2019
Princess Twilight Sparkle
This saddens me
Like April 4, 2019
Don’t worry, it’s probably not in this AU, but it’s in another AU where Sirens are hunted. And she’s the unlucky one who just so happens to get caught, oof
Like April 4, 2019
Princess Twilight Sparkle
All the sirens I have met so far have been very mean...except for you
Like April 4, 2019
Yeah, I’ve figured that out by how a lot of creatures act towards me, and by how my cousins and the rest of the Sirens I’ve met have acted...
Like April 4, 2019
Bright Brave
This pleases me greatly. :3 Thank you Hym~<3
Like April 4, 2019
No problem! <3
Like April 4, 2019