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on December 13, 2017
No idea if that's intentional, but CanterlotAvenue is eating one of my cores 100% of the time. You should check if there's not an infinite loop somewhere, or something. It also has a very very high memory footprint.
Dimension: 1010 x 350
File Size: 29.9 Kb
3 people like this.
Nacle provides hard evidence that proves all the Night-Theme users are actual literal plebs
Like December 13, 2017
Schwoopy Tail
Like December 13, 2017
uwu Devs just want to silence the Dark Theme users by preventing them from using the site xD (mods, please, this a a joke ;w;)
Like December 13, 2017
Ephemeria Spring
I guess I did also blue screen whilst dark theme was running, not that I actually link it to CA anyway ;p
Like December 13, 2017
>AdNauseam Yes, I approve. And a fellow Vivaldi hipster. Let's exchange our credit card information as a sign of the friendship I hereby declare.
Like December 13, 2017
My number is 1337 1337 1337 1337 my fellow Vivaldi friend c:
Like December 13, 2017
Mine is hunter5
Like December 13, 2017
Us Dark Theme users were cucked from the start.
Like December 13, 2017
idk if it was like that before, but with the poor server performance, it's hard to see what's due to this error, and what's due to the weak hardware. I think they changed something in the mean time that fucked the Dark Theme anyway
Like December 13, 2017
Little Tinker
Good investigation Nacle! Very helpful post.
Like December 13, 2017
Thankies, I hope it can be fixed by the devs
Like December 13, 2017
Little Tinker
I've passed it on in the dev channel. Hopefully they'll get on it today, but it will be fixed
Like December 13, 2017
Thanks ^^
Like December 13, 2017