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Rio-Rio Russell
on April 21, 2019
“It’s about time I told you guys more about the king that I serve. This is King Frederick Luther Hughes the Third of Sunsettle, a beautiful island in the Caribbean. Well, if I could be honest... The island’s beauty only reflects his own! I served as his knight for just ten months before he had me kicked off the royal guard. I was so upset by this, until he offered me a new job as his bard and confidante. Now we get to spend a lot more time together, discussing our philosophies and even our wildest jokes. He tells me that he loves my singing, and that he finds my poetries full of wit and wonder. I find it hilaRIOusly odd that he can bombard me with compliments, and not expect me to hide my face from him. It’s been two years now since I first came to Sunsettle, and an entire year of working closely with him. I still struggle to keep my composure when I catch his enticing scent of sage and fresh rainfall. He’s earthly, spiritual and always thirsty for the crisp taste of knowledge and wisdom. It’s refreshing. His aura... It just fills me...
Dimension: 1200 x 544
File Size: 1.07 Mb
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