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Ambient Waves
on May 3, 2019
Ambient Waves looking over the Sky Islands at Zephyr Kingdom, Devka. Artwork by my friends friend Vivi
Dimension: 1200 x 1026
File Size: 3.85 Mb
15 people like this.
It must be a pretty sight from up there! Ambient better be careful not to take a wrong step though, bug will always try to help his friends but he's not necessarily strong enough to carry them.
Like May 3, 2019
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Ambient Waves
Ambient grew up on Sky Islands! She is well versed on what happens if she falls off
Like May 3, 2019
Sadly Zaten does not know if that means there's anything special that happens if you fall off the floating islands. But he'll try and catch whoever does!
Like May 3, 2019
Ambient Waves
"Not really, we have a team of dragons, pegasi and such flying around down there to make sure, they rescue ponies and Zephyr Bunnies!
Like May 3, 2019
Princess Neon Synthwave
Looks fun where you live
Like May 3, 2019
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Ambient Waves
Minus the 4 wars with the griffin empire, war for Tel'adre, battle of the sky's..
Like May 3, 2019
Ambient Waves
But yeah is quite, very freeing to walk upon the lands! Sorry I like bursting peoples bubbles at time
Like May 3, 2019 Edited
Princess Neon Synthwave
What bubble?
Like May 4, 2019