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Twisted Gears
on May 8, 2019
"Does this look like the face of mercy to ya?"
Dimension: 807 x 1061
File Size: 267.8 Kb
14 people like this.
The Hound
Adeena bleps and pushes a couple of plushies towards the mare. "Have 'em."
Like May 8, 2019
Twisted Gears
Twist stares at the plushies, blinking a few times. She picks them up. "...This is mine now."
Like May 8, 2019
The Hound
"Yes." She nods and pulls up the large plushie of a certain grey coated protoss. "Plushies."
Like May 8, 2019
Thunder Riff
Like May 8, 2019
Twisted Gears
"Noe >:L "
Like May 8, 2019
Thunder Riff
Like May 8, 2019
Gallant Frost
"You're rather adora... I mean fierce." Gallant smiles in a friendly manner.
Like May 8, 2019
Twisted Gears
Twist puffs her cheeks, and stares at Galiant with quite the mix of emotions
Like May 8, 2019
Gallant Frost
Gallant smiles. "Hi! I'm Gallant."
Like May 8, 2019
Bright Brave
Like May 8, 2019