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on May 14, 2019
Here it is! The kiwi and ocelot griffon! you said it was interesting so imma tag ya, annnnd it was originally your idea so, credit!
Dimension: 1024 x 616
File Size: 222.41 Kb
3 people like this.
Bright Brave
So fierce.
Like May 14, 2019
Like May 14, 2019
Princess Neon Synthwave
What's their name?
Like May 14, 2019
I don’t have one yet, but I do know she will be a fucking BITCH if anyone mentions she’s flightless and/or she’s pretty much a bitch in general, but it’s because she got teased/bullied by the other griffons because you know, she was fucking flightless so she put up a hard exterior to pretend that it... View More
Like May 14, 2019
Princess Neon Synthwave
I like that idea
Like May 14, 2019
Like May 14, 2019
Captain Sky N Nova
But.....can it fly?
Like May 14, 2019
No, she’s part kiwi! Kiwi birds have actually adapted to NOT fly. Soo, she’s flightless! But she can sometimes run real fast cuz of the ocelot part but she can also be pretty clumsy because of the kiwi side too
Like May 14, 2019
Captain Sky N Nova
Yeah thats about what I thought.
Like May 14, 2019
Yup! I find it pretty funny how kiwis are so fucking CLUMSY though! It’s hilarious, and they literally look like a ball of feathers! But I know it’s so they have room for their big ass eggs
Like May 14, 2019
aww look at the cute little beak!
Like May 14, 2019
She will peck thee
Like May 14, 2019