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Sketch Comet
on May 20, 2019
It's me! (That and I can't upload anything else because I get a error.)
Dimension: 984 x 1060
File Size: 241.36 Kb
11 people like this.
What a cute. Imma adopt. You are now myyy... hm. *just to not be rude, she asks the Pony what they identify as* What do you identify as?
Like May 20, 2019
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*she chuckles a little, then nods* You kind of look like a she with your lashes? *she smiles a little, then holds out a hoof* I’m Hymn by the way
Like May 20, 2019
Sketch Comet
''Can't argue with that.'' She smirked, not hesitating to return the hoof-shake. ''Sketch Comet. Others call me Sketchy. Nice to meet 'cha.''
Like May 20, 2019
*she smiles, and shakes her hoof* Nice to meet you as well.
Like May 20, 2019
Bright Brave
Hay you. Nice sketchy feet.
Like May 20, 2019
Sketch Comet
''Why thank you, suits me does it not?''
Like May 20, 2019
Bright Brave
Suits you amazingly n
Like May 20, 2019
Cute!! <3
Like May 20, 2019
Sketch Comet
Thank you! <3
Like May 20, 2019