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"Please sit still young Master..." A voice calls out to him from behind a giant canvas in the castle. He was forced by his mother, aye, FORCED to have a painting done. It's been a couple years since he'd gotten one, the kingdom should see how their prince's are growing. All this while he's a full grown stallion for feck's sake. If there were any justice in the world his brother would be right here next to him. Suffering.
"I am sitting still." He sighs, his eyes narrow and he looks slightly downward in defeat. They pulled him away from a book about why certain magics were forbidden in the country, it was interesting. Much more interesting than being plopped onto a hard wooden stool and told to sit still while some greasy painter draws him for hours. He hates this.
The painter notices his look of distaste from over the canvas and his eyes seem to light up. "Ah yes, perfect hold that expression!" He exclaims in excitement as his brush begins to become more animated across the canvas. Hold a look of regret over being put into this situation? That he can do.
In Album: Prince Sainglend's Timeline Photos
1200 x 1762
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530.7 Kb
3 people like this.

//this is nice, I wish I can write like this, also nice art ^^
May 31, 2019