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on June 17, 2019
What a terrible night to have a curse...
back at it again at Krispy Kreme thanks Mama
Dimension: 1200 x 1284
File Size: 3.05 Mb
17 people like this.
Liath Mac Medb
"I literally cannot." He exclaims dramatically as he swoons and faints onto a nearby couch like some Shakespearean actor.
Like June 17, 2019
OwO what's this?
Like June 18, 2019
View 3 more replies
Have a look at her threads. Tl;Dr, the dick that attacked her was in fact a vampire... And so, now is she <3
Like June 18, 2019
Ooooof, and Hymn can't be there to support her, which is a bigger oof
Like June 18, 2019
Is Abby missing now or something? That's what it looks/sounds like
Like June 18, 2019
Ephemeria Spring
has wings, +1 cuddleability
Like June 18, 2019
She prances over and proceeds to boop Ephee with a wingtip from a couple feet away! GASP! She now has an extended range buff!!
Like June 18, 2019
Ephemeria Spring
She squints. Magic is kind of out of the question, so she sits, defeated. "This is no arms race... this is a wings race."
Like June 18, 2019
She prances in a victory dance, squeeing! She has become fully weaponized!!
Like June 18, 2019
Mama Chubs
Like June 18, 2019
bitey child thank
Like June 18, 2019
Mama Chubs
Chomp chomp slurp
Like June 19, 2019