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Crimson Canvas
on June 21, 2019
"Really? You got that for me?!"
A wonderful gift from . Drawn by Faract.
Dimension: 1465 x 1460
File Size: 1.62 Mb
22 people like this.
The Memorial
Triffidy nodded and pushed over a half-nibbled grasshopper. Sharing is caring.
Like June 21, 2019
Deactive user
He nods and gives her the fluffy duster "I thought because of your name you might need it."
Like June 21, 2019 Edited
Gallant Frost
Gallant nods, the wooden jewelry box hovering with the help of his magic, it has intricate roses carved into the lid, the cherry wood then sanded and varnished to shine, on the inside is a soft pink silk interior.
Like June 21, 2019
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Crimson Canvas
"Well in that case...." Dusty took the box and held it in her hooves, clearly cherishing the extravagant gift. Her gaze moved from the box to the pony who'd given it to her and smiled. "Thank you."
Like June 22, 2019
Gallant Frost
"You're most welcome!" With that, the large stallion waves his goodbye, a large almost goofy smile on his face.
Like June 23, 2019
Crimson Canvas
"See you around!" Dusty waved back with one hoof, using the other to hold the box. By the time Dusty realized she never even got to know his name the stallion was out of earshot. Hopefully she'd run into him in the future as well so she could thank him properly.
Like June 23, 2019
Bright Brave
Oh to be dusty.
Like June 21, 2019