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on July 11, 2019
Big important update time! Exciting!!!!
Proud to announce I am changing up my ponysona. This is a fairly big thing for me. Since I've started RPing bout a decade ago I've always had a sona in some form or another. They're tricky, and just like me, they can change over time. However, something that has become hella apparent since joining and RPing in this AWESOME community is how amazing so many of you are. With your characters, sonas or not, you've affected Aubade as a character and even me, in some ways. However, this also means that at a certain point, Aubade's fate differs from mine.
Many of you know her backstory that she is me as offed myself back in '14 when I came out and was reincarnated as a pony-at the beginning when I first joined the site last year, she was not far off where I am now-and I was fine with that. However you people wanted to love on her, and make her happy-and look where she is now.
I cannot tell you how wonderful you all have been to her as a character, , , , , and most of all being close to her and becoming her new family.
That being said, I noticed that this means I cannot really count Aubade as my ponysona anymore-she may act like me and have my personality, but the happiness she has and the wonderful fate she has been given are not mine-she is happier than I may ever be.
Now this is not a "Awwww Abby that's so terrible I'm sorry" post if you give me that shit I'm going to punch you. Rather this to show off my new ponysona! Her name is Inkwelt, the same as my artist and Fursona name, and unlike Aubade, she will NOT be roleplayed, in order to keep her sona status faithful. She will instead be the face and persona for my art page, since my art skill is slowly but surely growing. She is a zebra.
Likely questions, and their Answers:
Does this mean you're going to RP Abby less?
No, please. That's no possible.
Can I RP with your new ponysona?
She's not going to get an actual account, so no. She's just going to be a page face.
Why a zebra?
I'm African-american IRL, and I noticed zebras often represent the African element of the MLP universe, so I'm embracing my cultural roots~
Does Inkwelt have the same backstory as Aubade?
Who knows. Not roleplaying her so don't worry about it!
Why does she have a cutie mark if she's a zebra?
Cause fuck you also one of her parents was probably a pony. We'll never know.
Dimension: 650 x 650
File Size: 26.53 Kb
9 people like this.
she is CUTE
Like July 12, 2019
Bright Brave
I love zebras
Like July 12, 2019
this is a good post this is an amazing post
Like July 12, 2019 Edited