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on July 29, 2019
These are the only pictures I have of Stormy right now oof
She's a good girl, if she sticks her claws in, its so she can stay and hold herself up so you can pet her head longer XD
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 1.04 Mb
6 people like this.
Awe, she's such a cute cat! I love how friendly she is too! <3
Like July 29, 2019
She really is, there used to be a female cat that lived at the house across from me, and I kid you not. She was named... George. Maybe they thought she was male? Idk, but she had kittens, and they didn't take care of them as far as I remember, and so, me and my friend went over, even though it was t... View More
Like July 29, 2019