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So.. I've decided to close down the server. Due to declining interest because of various reasons, I don't think even updating to 1.14 will revitalize the server beyond a week or two after finally updating. We have until the posted date to play on the server, but considering how it's been at least 2 weeks since anyone has been on, I don't think anyone will do much.I have, by the way, saved a backup of the files. So should I choose to restart the server, or someone wants to take it over, it's available to re-upload. If you would like a copy of the worlds (overworld and nether), please send me a message.
310 x 43
File Size:
2.81 Kb
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Demonic H HoovesDH
Demonic H Hooves
and so a era of drama, ends.
August 2, 2019

Poli Star Agasha
August 2, 2019