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on August 13, 2019
Hey, Do any of you have ideas for art of improvement?
I want to have a style like other pony artists.
Dimension: 700 x 600
File Size: 210.54 Kb
7 people like this.
Lula Vieve
Just wondering, what are you using to draw? Like art program/equipment
Like August 13, 2019
Lula Vieve
I hope this didn't seem mean I was just curious. >:') The program/whatever you use doesn't make the artist, the artist does, but I wanted to recommend if you were on mobile that medibang is really good (that's what I use it's also on PC), or firealpaca. Both good free options if you're on a budget. ... View More
Like August 13, 2019 Edited
Fire alpaca
Like August 13, 2019
Sometimes Ibispaint.
Like August 13, 2019
the only thing i would say is spend some time cleaning it up, and work on the little details
Like August 13, 2019
Like August 13, 2019
Teddy Bear
Heya! First thing I'd say is DON'T draw like other artists and feel pressured to. If the thought of having another person's art style makes you happy, then you should start studying how they draw. During this phase, tracing helps but DO NOT post the tracing anywhere and claim it as your own. Just do... View More
Like August 13, 2019
Like August 13, 2019
Yeah you'll slowly realize you DO have a style the more you draw. Then it's all about making that style something you love. I'm still working on that 6 years later
Like August 13, 2019
Cool. I hope you get one.
Like August 13, 2019