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Clashing Thunder
on September 12, 2019
"Don't... Piss... Me... Off..." The stallion growled, his teal/cyan lightning raging down on the earth below him crackling heavily in the distance. War torn, bruised and hurt, he stood tall, his sword at the ready. "Unless you want to be thunderstruck..." He said getting into a ready stance. He looked ready to cut anything down to size.
(I thank my girlfriend so much for this picture, she worked really hard to get the details right and even adding his favorite flower tree into the mix I absolutely adore this ❤❤ this was one of my favorite moments i had to share for the sheer badassetry that it was.)
Dimension: 1200 x 1499
File Size: 369.67 Kb
11 people like this.
Tornado Turbulence An appropriate tune
Like September 12, 2019
Zaten applies band-aids to the cuts! Infection = bad.
Like September 12, 2019
Bright Brave
Thats a weird sounding bazooka.
Like September 12, 2019