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Aurora Dawn
on October 29, 2019
Aurora puffed up defensively upon being called out as cute. She really didn't like being put on the spot but there was no denying she was fluffy and adorable.
Dimension: 1200 x 1200
File Size: 1.5 Mb
13 people like this.
"nuu!~ I is cootest pon out there!~" UwU Accalia prances up and sniffs the fluff - blushing as, she WAS cute, but Acci smiles warmly to the pony - "but - my name is Accalia!~ nice to meet you!~"
Like October 29, 2019
Aurora Dawn
Aurora would magically pick up Acci, holding the smaller mare to her head and saying "Hi...?"
Like October 29, 2019
Amity Guard
Amity looks at her before looking down at his clipboard, checking a bunch of boxes. "Yup. Certified cute."
Like October 29, 2019
Aurora Dawn
"There is a checklist....?"
Like October 30, 2019
Amity Guard
"Yes. You passed the cute test with flying colors. Congratulations." Amity rewards her with a medal.
Like October 30, 2019
Aurora Dawn
Aurora now had a shiny medal to show off!
Like October 30, 2019
Spec Steele
Spec senses a GIGAFLOOFER. Spec takes Aurora home.
Like October 29, 2019
Aurora Dawn
She squeaked and puffed up having no idea how to react.
Like October 30, 2019
Silver Shield
Silver boops the snoot.
Like October 30, 2019
Aurora Dawn
No more boops, she just straight up sat on Silver.
Like October 30, 2019 Edited
Silver Shield
Silver is very confused by this
Like October 30, 2019