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Rosey Violet Pink
on November 4, 2019
Love how my Leafeon looks great but the colouring on Glaceon is actually horrible XD
Dimension: 1200 x 900
File Size: 2.12 Mb
4 people like this.
Daine, Logan & Socks
I think it is fine
Like November 4, 2019
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Rosey Violet Pink
Thanks but not really XD. You can clearly see the shading on Glaceon is actually very bad lol
Like November 4, 2019 Edited
Daine, Logan & Socks
I dont do much shading so I think it is pretty okay
Like November 4, 2019
Rosey Violet Pink
Well thank you, very kind of you to mention ^^
Like November 4, 2019