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Sir_Pathfinder, The Lost.
on November 26, 2019
"I remember the cathedral, I remember its halls in once brought joy. The shimmering of a new moons light cascading amongst the pews, a place in which brought hope when darkness surrounded all aspects of life." The large stallion shifted in his position, ever so slightly. "Was a different younger, and more naive stallion then. Those days never leaving my heart, sometimes am thinking what happening back at home. But I, have not such fortune to day dream these days." His eyes focusing on something far beyond his own sight perhaps not even truly there. The cold blue orbs flickering with energy before meeting your gaze. "You are promised with every sunset, a sunrise... not always is fortunate like so."
Dimension: 1024 x 1387
File Size: 2.88 Mb
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Carmen Gumshoe
why is he so pretty >:C
Like November 26, 2019
Sir_Pathfinder, The Lost.
//Those who know no vanity, shine the brightest. Quite honestly I believe its the color combination.
Like November 26, 2019
Rarity looking boyo (not saying you took her design or anything, just making sure you know this, he just reminds me of her for the colors rip), love him, and the idea of a knight is actually pretty cool!
Like November 26, 2019
Sir_Pathfinder, The Lost.
Yea, I get the rarity bit a lot. Hes originally a homebrew dnd race, pale human like beings that come from a world that lost its sun. Most are generally darker earthy tones, hes technically an albino.
Like November 26, 2019
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Oooh, that makes him even cooler, except he’s not a full albino, no red eyes do I see
Like November 26, 2019
Sir_Pathfinder, The Lost.
As far as technicalities go, race wise blue isn;t a natural eyecolor.
Like November 26, 2019
Ah, I see
Like November 26, 2019