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on February 27, 2020
-And then everyone died.-
Dimension: 1200 x 950
File Size: 42.7 Kb
10 people like this.
Amethyst the Hippogriff
It's fine. Amethyst just waits for Seir in hell now instead of the other side of the street.
Like February 27, 2020
-Amethyst and Seir in hell, in the near future-
Like February 27, 2020
Amethyst the Hippogriff
//Gif no wurk. :c
Like February 27, 2020
Lavender Dawn
We need a new dungeon master.
Like February 27, 2020
>:C no you don't!
Like February 27, 2020
Lavender Dawn
You do this every time we sidetrack the plot a little!
Like February 27, 2020 Edited
Carmen Gumshoe
thank god
Like February 27, 2020
Carmen Gumshoe
wait, i’m a part of “everyone”
Like February 27, 2020
Thank you, I’ve been looking for some peace and quie-OH FUCK ME IN THE ASS ITS EVEN LOUDER HERE SERES. WTH
Like February 27, 2020