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Diamond Dream treasured many things. She infact kept every stuffed animal she was gifted as a young filly, as they were from her mother and sister. She kept gifts that Luna would give her, even if they were not stuffed animals.But nothing was more loved than two items: her mother's cloak and Meadow. Meadow was very special to the unicorn, a soft pink bunny plush toy. It didn't stand out very much amongst the other plush toys or the various items of value, the bunny was rather plain. But Diamond loved this plush bunny so much that this toy was a security blanket item, always with her. she was often teased as a young filly for always carrying Meadow around. But she didn't care. She desperately held onto this toy, as it was the only thing she had of her father. A promise that he would come back to see her grow up, as it had been made by him. So she was very careful with this rabbit, only having lost the original bow and button eyes over the years.Perhaps, one day he would come back to see her. One day, she would finally get to see his face and actually speak to him, learn why he left her, her mother, and sister all those years ago. Until then, all she had was this stuffed bunny. She would hold onto this bunny for as long as she could until the wear and tear finally caught up to her prized possession and was no longer salvageable. Hopefully by then, she would know the answer to why her father left.
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1200 x 1049
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Smoking Record
It's priceless
March 4, 2020