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Mina May Marzipan
on May 18, 2020
Categories: Digital Art
Dimension: 1105 x 1200
File Size: 895.85 Kb
8 people like this.
Lavender Dawn
This title is a personal attack on my character.
Like May 18, 2020
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Lavender Dawn
One unicorn was teased in its posting.
Like May 18, 2020
Mina May Marzipan
He's still alive, isn't he?
Like May 18, 2020
Lavender Dawn
He is alive and content. Yes.
Like May 18, 2020
Deactive user
It can take a lot of courage to speak up in a situation like this where your partner is doing something wrong. But I am sure, eventually, he will work up the courage to finally leave you.
Like May 18, 2020 Edited
Mina May Marzipan
Illegal: action not allowed.
Like May 18, 2020
Lavender Dawn
Thankyou for your support. But she is a vampire and i am delicious. This action is unwise.
Like May 18, 2020
Why is Mina soo cute?
Like May 19, 2020
Mina May Marzipan
Ah, I dunno
Like May 19, 2020
I see that Lavender's type is white coat, blonde mane.
Like May 19, 2020
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Lavender Dawn
Minas mane was pink at the time. And both of you became mods well after...and i mock you for it XD
Like May 19, 2020
Mina May Marzipan
You liar, it was purple XD Then pink. And now blonde. How is she not bald from all this hair product..
Like May 19, 2020
Lavender Dawn
Its hard to keep track! Shockingly expensive treatments and high quality product.
Like May 19, 2020