Ambient Waves
on June 2, 2020
When Ambient was a filly she wasn't the richest pone or had any bits to her name and mostly had to live by herself. She could never use magic due to a small little defect which gave her, her iconic nine tails. But that didn't stop her from enjoying watching other ponies imagining herself in place of them being able to do everything. She would often tie things to string held in her mouth and pretend she was doing magic when she was alone.
One night upon wondering the streets she noticed a somepony handing out flyers. She Grabbed on and walked away soon to read it seeing a picture of a pony with a title underneath. She was curious before turning it over to look at the back. 'Witness the most daring magic in history, as The Great and Powerful Trixie preforms tricks never before seen!' Ambient was curious she never really witness other pony doing magic aside from lifting/grabbing items, so tricks was a new thing for her.
The night came, Ambient quickly darted though the streets towards the crowd of people ducking though legs to get to the front of it before sitting down and watching the show. Ambient watched though the entire thing captivated with her eyes sparkling. After what felt like a long time to her, the show ended and Ambient smiled and clapped her hooves, as she heard a lot of ponies walking away now. She stayed for a few moments before leaving. 'Three Nights of this?' She said in amazement not knowing what would happen the next two remaining nights.
Ambient went back home when she decided to get creative, she grabbed some cardboard and stickers and paper and went up to her room slowly constructing a small cardboard hat, one that almost looked like Trixie's. It was fully brown with a single blue star sticker, a small star cut on paper tapped on with a large cardboard star. She was proud of her work but something seemed off the purple colour.
Ambient wakes up the next day waiting for night before leaving the house, she grabbed her cardboard and and decided to walk towards the area the show was held at. During her way she noticed a small can of spray paint next to a bin. Ambient takes off her hat and places it down starting to spray it for a few seconds before the already empty spray was now fully out. She put on her slightly painted hat and ran off towards the show being rather late.
Upon arriving she noticed there was less ponies then before there, as she pushed pass the people there sitting down at front with her hat on one again watching the show in amazement. She heard one of the ponies start talking to her. "Don't look up to her nothing she's doing is special at all almost any unicorn can do it." Though Ambient didn't really listen at all or brushed them off as someone who was jelous at the act.
Once the show was over, she watched at the Azure Mare from the stage started walking towards the edge of the stage getting off of it muffling something under her breath. She quickly got up and went to follow Trixie. Once reaching the other side of the cart she walked up to the door knocking on it holding a flyer in her mouth. The door opened, as she was greeted by the Azure mare. Ambient's eyes sparkled watching her idol now in-front of he, as Ambient's heart beats fast happy and exicided before being invited in.
Ambient walks into the rather small card looking around, as she shortly sits on the ground saying her tails looking up at Trixie who grabbed a pen.
Dimension: 1200 x 1736
File Size: 2.9 Mb
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Ambient Waves
Alternet Version! Even more broke Ambient, who can't afford Cardboard!
Like June 2, 2020
hey would ya like to RP in the setting of your spa?
Like June 3, 2020
Ambient Waves
Sadly I don't really RP anymore~ I am on a long break for Various Reasons
Like June 3, 2020
Like June 3, 2020
Like June 3, 2020
Ambient Waves
Like June 3, 2020