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Mirror Mirror
on June 18, 2020
it's,, story time!!
Mirror Mirror got her name, as you probably know, from the evil stepmother queen. Mirror, mirror, on the wall- all that. It was all she heard addressed to her. So when she was freed, of course she went by that. How was she freed? Good question. Castles are, of course, crawling with unseen hooves. Servants.
One of these servants was a young mare by the name Blind Faith. She was born into servitude, but there was something exceptional about our young Faith. And it led her to that mirror. Faith really was as blind as her name would lead one to believe. So why she'd visit day after day was a mystery to the magical mirror, but she did, and they became friends. They were closer than close. Faith couldn't stand to see- haha- her friend trapped and used in that way. There must be a way out.
Blind Faith was a pegasus. Despite this, she was brilliant when it came to knowledge of magic. Whether this was before or after she met Mirror is.. unknown. But she was! So one night, when the queen was in a deep, deep sleep, Faith stole into her room and took the mirror. She brought it out, and she disappeared into the night. Into the forest, the wandering woods.
The queen noticed immediately when she woke up, and the whole castle was abuzz with the missing mirror, but nopony noticed that Faith was also gone. By the time they did, it was too late. Faith had taken a piece of a magical shell and separated the glass from the frame, freeing Mirror.
Unfortunately, the queen would not be so easily defeated. She vowed her revenge. And with her powerful sorcery, she had it. A curse. Faith fell ill, deathly ill. Mirror scrambled to save her dearest friend.
She couldn't.
If you follow the path deep, deep into the Wandering Woods- the path lined with small blue flowers- you will come to a clearing. Turn left. There is a twisting upwards climb that will bring you to a small pond, with a waterfall. Beside the pond is a patch of those blue flowers. Forget-me-nots.
Look in the center of the patch- look, but stray no closer. There, standing with head bowed and eyes closed, is a marble mare. Her name is Blind Faith, and she is still alive. She is the reason there is a witch in those woods.
Dimension: 1000 x 1000
File Size: 710.69 Kb
8 people like this.
Bright Brave
Who's the most unstoppable of all
Like June 18, 2020
Carmen Gumshoe
love this L O R E nice story, i feed off of this
Like June 18, 2020