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Serina Novix
on September 26, 2020
Greetings earthli....i mean Equestrians! I am Serina, pleasure to meet you all!
// Used this base; as a guideline for the overall shape of the body
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Dimension: 762 x 710
File Size: 301.63 Kb
4 people like this.
Bright Brave
I really like you Serina. 😔
Like September 26, 2020
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Serina Novix
Hu what? come agian? i mean what has that to do with....?
Like September 26, 2020
Bright Brave
How cute you are? ? Better hooves than @bok
Like September 26, 2020
Serina Novix
Oh eh...ehm thank you? and who is Bok? dose he or she have similar hooves to mines?
Like September 26, 2020
Makoto Naegi
uhm... im a earthling...
Like September 26, 2020
Serina Novix
Oh then greetings earthling! ^^
Like September 26, 2020
Makoto Naegi
*Bows* (JPN) A pleasure to meet you.
Like September 26, 2020
Serina Novix
Likewise! *bows back*
Like September 26, 2020 Edited
Bright Brave
Sí. Same hooves.
Like September 26, 2020
Serina Novix
exactly the same? oooh...perhaps i should go meet this Bok then...could be intressting
Like September 26, 2020
Bright Brave
Like September 26, 2020