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Silver Bullet
on November 20, 2020
Was gonna type up a mini-story but I wanted to post this asap. Dusty rooms are an aesthetic and asthmatic.
Dimension: 1200 x 676
File Size: 2.9 Mb
21 people like this.
Stardusk Strider
Star enters the room and sees all the dust, making him look at her and point to it all: "Clean your room."
Like November 23, 2020
Silver Bullet
Silver uses her wings to stir up the dust and give him an asthma attack n
Like November 23, 2020
Stardusk Strider
He coughs and coughs, before deciding to stand up to the dust, wears some boxing gloves, and begins to punch at the dust clouds. That'll show em!
Like November 23, 2020
I like how silver sits there, pretending she understands what shes reading
Like November 23, 2020
Silver Bullet
1. Not the first one to say that to me. 2. She can read reeeeee
Like November 23, 2020