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Being a queen had it's ups and downs, Diamond realized. One one hoof, she was surprisingly able to easily adjust to ruling over subjects whom needed guidance. On the other, there were outside nobles from various places outside her kingdom whom didn't particularly enjoy her presence among them. For she didn't look to be related to the late King Hawthorn at all and she was more pony than dragon looking. She had expected this to be an issue. it has her whole life.She didn't look quite like what anyone wanted.But the nobles could be ignored for the most part, she could go on living her life and working on building the element dragons back into a thriving species. Already many babies had been born and were healthy and thriving. Many meetings with other royals came and went, the young queen enjoyed the ones with her adopted family best as then she wouldn't be alone when it came to the prissy nobles.Like today..Diamond had been trying her best to entertain her guest but they were having none of it. Too demanding for answers. Answers about her actual lineage. Was she actually the blood daughter of the late Hawthorn or was she a fraud placed here by the Equestrian princesses? She was loosing her patience."Come with me then, dear~ i can show you the latest paintings i have commissioned." Her tone left no room for questions as they walked through the halls. Upon entering the pale dusty pink room that would probably be converted to her office/study, was two paintings.The left the late King Hawthorn, a magnificent violet and green dragon with pale magenta belly scales. His eyes were a striking cyan blue and demanding of focus and attention. To the right was a painting of Rose Dusk, a pale coated unicorn with possible dragon ancestry. Her mane was the same shade of dark purple as the young queen. And her kind eyes held the same baby pink shade as the young queen as well. While it was obvious from a glance that Diamond was similar to Rose Dusk, some features of Hawthorn were in her as well.Diamond then sat in the custom made chair between the two paintings, staring intensely at the noble before her."I'm the youngest daughter of my parents, King Hawthorn and his wife, Rose Dusk. They have both since perished and my eldest sister has no dragon magic inherited from my father. To insinuate that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna intentionally placed me here is not only an insult to them, but an insult to my dead parents." She paused as she watched the noble cower slightly from her seething anger. Good."Now. I do wish you would so kindly tell all the other nobles that if I get another doubt of my lineage, Tartarus will be a more welcomed place for them once i hear wind of it~" Diamond was angry and irritated but at least now she could solve a major headache as she watched her guest flee. Father would be proud of her, she thought happily as she settled down in the chair for some relaxing time by herself, Meadow placed beside her.
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Silver Bullet
dragon dad dragon dad dragon dad.
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