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Olive Drab
on February 8, 2021
Get yourself some Massachusetts
Dimension: 1200 x 900
File Size: 490.41 Kb
3 people like this.
Bright Brave
It’s very pretty. But it ain’t worth the tax’s. I prefer New Hampshire myself.
Like February 8, 2021
Olive Drab
NH is alright but always feels really backwoods to me, no offense. I love the 0 sales tax lol
Like February 8, 2021
Bright Brave
Backwoods is best woods. I tell you what, they must have 10 bar arcades, it was awesome.
Like February 8, 2021
Olive Drab
Haha very true, I miss bar-arcades with karaoke rooms lol
Like February 8, 2021