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on May 10, 2021
“ may I help you?” The young maid asks while looking at you #rp
Dimension: 1200 x 1200
File Size: 852.9 Kb
6 people like this.
Polo Fastter
a sheep sit there and said "baaaaa"
Like May 10, 2021
She would sit and bleat back! “Meh~”
Like May 10, 2021
Swift Scribe
She blinks and resists many bad thoughts "j-just a muffin please..."
Like May 10, 2021
She looks at them a little confused as if she can sense something’s off but gives her the muffin with a smile “here you go!”
Like May 10, 2021
Bright Brave
Coffee. And you sitting at my table with those pastries
Like May 10, 2021
Amity Guard
Amity sighed happily at the pleasant image that the precious maid blessed him with. "A coffee is great, thanks."
Like May 10, 2021