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Sweet Pea
on May 17, 2021
Sweet Pea's garden map (and the little doodle of Sweet Pea herself, just for fun!)
Whenever Sweet Pea goes to town to buy new seeds or plants for her garden, she brings this map, just so she can make sure she has room for what she's buying, and to make sure she doesn't already have it. It's hard to remember sometimes!
For the sake of this map, garden plots A-P are unlabeled. In canon, however, each plot can hold 4-8 different plants, depending on the plant, and each one is accurately labelled. These labels change often depending on the season, which plants failed or lived, and which items she's chosen to relocate. Her labels are always changing.
Plots A-P: Garden plots, each containing 4-8 different types of plants, depending on what's growing there.
Green clouds around the edge: Fruit trees
Tan box around the map: The fence that defines her back yard
Long green clouds around the house: Berry bushes
Grey Circle in front of the house: The little water fountain in her front yard, used as a bird bath, and a bird-distraction, so they stay out of her garden.
Light brown streaks: The pathway she's marked in her garden. It stretches from the house, to the greenhouse, and wraps around to create a shady path under the leaves of the fruit trees. Everything is easily accessible.
And, this isn't labelled or drawn on the map, but it's a fun fact! Sweet Pea's garden is set up with a sprinkler system that she installed herself. She installed mini sprinkler heads in each and every plot, and connected them all so that everything would be watered all at once.
She also keeps her tools in the storage chest beside the greenhouse. Her shears, hoof-rakes, watering cans, trowels, sun hat, etc are all neatly organized in one side of the chest, and on the other, she keeps packets of seeds. These seeds are either:
Seeds she over-bought and hasn't used yet,
Seeds from her own crops that didn't do well in the previous year. She keeps the seeds from unsuccessful crops so that she can try again with better chances in the following year.
And there you have it! There's a little more information on Sweet Pea.
Dimension: 1200 x 1200
File Size: 2.03 Mb