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on June 10, 2021
The doe bleats happily, loving her new pink maid outfit. “T..that’s better than my black one!” #rp
Dimension: 746 x 1071
File Size: 617.37 Kb
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Bryce (Awesome) Shades
"Oh very nice! Looking extra cute with the outfit Deerie, the pink goes well with you" He smiles with a nod.
Like June 10, 2021
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She would blush quite heavily and gave a shy smile “I’m not that cute..!!”
Like June 10, 2021
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
He grinned as he let out a chuckle. "I'm getting a bit of deja vu from that quote, nevertheless though you can't change my opinion miss adorable Doe, always the cute one." He say in a teasing manner as he chuckled some more.
Like June 10, 2021
“O..oh?” She would tilt her head and blink before scooting closer to Bryce and gently booping their snoot as she’s comfortable around him. “Always?~” her tail waggled like a puppy’s
Like June 10, 2021
Bright Brave
Make me a sammich. X3
Like June 11, 2021
and puddlers is dead....again,his heart couldn't take much more
Like June 11, 2021
"Huh, Look's very strawberry-like! along with being both Cute and A-doe-able" He said smiling at his pun but also since they were happy... So he was happy!
Like June 11, 2021