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Sir_Pathfinder, The Lost.
on July 14, 2021
//open to kinda? More like just passing writing tho.
"The ruins cannot speak, feel not pain, embracing no warmth anymore of once crowded streets. They share no spoken story, not tale of love, sadness and rage. We only gaze upon them sometimes in passing, some warning of doom next corner others a marvel of mysteries" He mused seemingly to himself, crystalline blue eyes looking towards the miles of stretched fields and forest. "But what we no, is only to keep pressing on, look inwards to fix mistakes of those before us. Lending help to friend in need, before they too have hearts as empty as these streets... will as dusted as old church bell, and eyes as bleak as former palaces." The stallion appeared to grab something from the edge of this old fortresses wall, many of the old Bastions withered with age and crumbled to their side in defeat from the only enemy of all... time. After placing the item within his bag, he turned around rather shortly after followed by his truest companion a white snow owl. He embarked down the shattered and winding staircase, toward the gate and out the entrance in which once large oak foors sealed... but they lay in half now, covered by the vines of the forest slowly begging reclaimed by the mother of all.
Dimension: 1080 x 1421
File Size: 76.2 Kb