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Princess Celestia
on January 3, 2018
Celestia wrapped her hooves around her little sister giving her a comfort hug.
Dimension: 800 x 598
File Size: 80.76 Kb
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Princess Luna
Luna closed her eyes as she let out a soft sigh, the feeling of her sisters soft coat was enough to relax her, just the feeling of being close to her sister this way brought a soft smile to her face.
Like January 4, 2018
Princess Celestia
"..." The Sun Goddess was silent as she hugged her little sister, she didn't release her from her gently grasp, it had been years since the last time they hugged and it felt very nice to hold her little sister close to her again. "You have such soft hair, little sister." Celestia broke the silence, ... View More
Like January 4, 2018
Nightmare Moon
Watching from a near distant corner, Nightmare Moon sat alone in the depths of the Darkness... her clit eyes glowing softly in the dark as she suffered from the serverity of anti-sunggles. "...Spoiled, Luna" She mumbled.
Like January 4, 2018
Honor Scroll
While Nightmare sulking about not begging hug in her corner, an Ethereal Alicorn in the shape of Celestia appears behind the dark mare and gives her a hug as the caster of spell continues duty as an Trainee Guard and stand post outside the room. though due the complexity of said spell the Ethereal A... View More
Like January 4, 2018 Edited
Princess Bluemoon
//You gragged it....
Like January 4, 2018
(May I join with Written Story, she’s one of my OCs
Like January 4, 2018