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Bright Brave
on August 9, 2021
Dimension: 500 x 910
File Size: 95.41 Kb
3 people like this.
Like August 9, 2021
Silver Shield
Why am you bully :c
Like August 10, 2021
Princess Silky ❤
One has magic, the other just has brute bulk >:c *fiercely defends unicorns until she realizes Silver is one of them* Oh.. *remembers it's her turn to bully*... View More
Like August 10, 2021
Silver Shield
>:c *is not sure whether to be grateful or grump*
Like August 10, 2021
Amethyst Shimmer
Real unicorns have one horn. Rhinos have two. Rhinos are bicorns.
Like August 10, 2021
Bright Brave
You’re a bi~Nicorn
Like August 10, 2021
Amethyst Shimmer
Astute observation! Yes, I also have two horns.
Like August 10, 2021