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Bright Brave
on August 16, 2021
Dimension: 800 x 850
File Size: 231.27 Kb
3 people like this.
Never actaully got to see a ice cream truck i seen some around town but since i lived out in the country as a kid and now you didnt get to see any, probably just got with number 8 tbh tho
Like August 16, 2021
Bright Brave
You gonna get a bonus free bar.
Like August 17, 2021
J o S u K e
29, because then I will get 29 ice creams :mn_happy:
Like August 17, 2021
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Lady Moth~ <3
let a fellow luz have ice cream! and i'm allowed to say it cus i'm a WITCH (And totally not a human)
Like August 17, 2021
Bright Brave
Witch are gross
Like August 17, 2021
Lady Moth~ <3
dude yOu lEt a bASiLiSK disguIseD as a human choose a number (XD)
Like August 17, 2021
probably 8, the godly originals
Like August 18, 2021
Bright Brave
You’re mad people
Like August 18, 2021
okay maybe the dino its cute
Like August 19, 2021
The ones that look like faces; always have, always will. (Side note, the ice-cream man drives through my town once a year and never stops once. Just that horrifying music at 60 miles an hour.)
Like August 18, 2021
Unless they have orange push-up pops, though I haven't seen it.
Like August 18, 2021
Bright Brave
It’s a me. Mario….
Like August 18, 2021
I actually don't like Mario.
Like August 18, 2021