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Bright Brave
on November 14, 2021
Dimension: 750 x 897
File Size: 186.71 Kb
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Eris The Panda
Dark souls is how you get depression >:C
Like November 14, 2021
Bright Brave
For you maybe. You big baby.
Like November 14, 2021
Carmen Gumshoe
there is a fifth: breath of the wild it’s literally my “don’t text today” game :relieved:
Like November 14, 2021
Bright Brave
That’s a baby game. For babies.
Like November 14, 2021
Eris The Panda
Dark souls is for simps, true chads play botw for kass
Like November 14, 2021
Bright Brave
I simp for souls.
Like November 15, 2021