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on July 12, 2022
At the time of the Disaster of 2044 when Lord Huntsmor was able to defeat the Princesses of Equestria, only the Mane 6 and Godzilla Team were left to constantly provide resistance against the evil Tyrant in hopes of preventing the return of Cosmos. However during the course of the heavy engagement during the assault on Huntsmor's cliff fortress along the coastline, an attack conducted by both Godzilla Team and the Mane 6 would humiliatingly fail, due to Rivera's incompetence of shooting out and destroying a vital portion of the lair keeping the cliff stable and causing a massive cave in, which narrowly crushing all members.
The group was able to escape, but Rainbow Dash furiously berates Rivera while he was standing on a cliff overlooking the sea and watching the horizon. Eventually Rivera despite being annoyed by Rainbow Dash's constant complains was able to redeem himself 4 days later, with the second attack on the Cliff Fortress and the defeat of Huntsmor, finally ending the Disaster of 2044.
Dimension: 688 x 403
File Size: 651.38 Kb
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