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Ambient Waves
on January 8, 2018
Dimension: 1280 x 628
File Size: 1.13 Mb
3 people like this.
Ambient Waves
Graceful, Delly and Maxi! Very special ponies in separate ways!
Like October 12, 2018
Who birthed them? And who's the father?
Like October 12, 2018
Ambient Waves
Well, if you're curious they're not Ambients xD they have there own Father and mothers.
Like October 12, 2018 Edited
Which is?
Like October 12, 2018
Ambient Waves
Well, Graceful and Maxi are from a changeling hive, (Not Chrysalis) and Delly, I can't exactly remember..been too long!
Like October 12, 2018
Crann Taca
Beautiful work! And adorable too ^-^
Like November 25, 2018