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Draven Stone and Midnight
on December 28, 2022
Hello my Stoners! I would just like to thank everypony for stopping by, but ladies, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. As for you stallions:
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Quick Buck
"Buck you! I kin fight you jus as good as enny stallion could! Hay, ill fight you right now as a matter of fact!"
Like December 28, 2022
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Draven Stone and Midnight
Missy if this was a fight club, i wouldnt be flaunting myself to these lovely gents [swooshes mane out of face] so uh.. you got a brother?
Like December 28, 2022 Edited
Quick Buck
She would pause for a moment. "So, yer meanin t' tell me... i paid fiddy bits to some random pony? " she was quiet for a moment,."If i had a brother, odds are hed be somepony who jus sits in th' corner an does nothin but scribblin on a peice of paper all quiet like. "she would say confidently. "Thou... View More
Like December 28, 2022 Edited
Draven Stone and Midnight
makes sense. tho maken out with is not what i had in mind. I just wanna see them squirm uwu
Like December 29, 2022