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Hello my Stoners! I would just like to thank everypony for stopping by, but ladies, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. As for you stallions:
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5 people like this.

Quick Buck
"Buck you! I kin fight you jus as good as enny stallion could! Hay, ill fight you right now as a matter of fact!"
December 28, 2022

Draven Stone and Midnight
Missy if this was a fight club, i wouldnt be flaunting myself to these lovely gents [swooshes mane out of face] so uh.. you got a brother?
December 28, 2022

Quick Buck
She would pause for a moment. "So, yer meanin t' tell me... i paid fiddy bits to some random pony? " she was quiet for a moment,."If i had a brother, odds are hed be somepony who jus sits in th' corner an does nothin but scribblin on a peice of paper all quiet like. "she would say confidently. "Thou... View More
December 28, 2022

Draven Stone and Midnight
makes sense. tho maken out with is not what i had in mind. I just wanna see them squirm uwu
December 29, 2022