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Electra Green
on September 24, 2023
"Well, it seems everyone after me just keeps choosing the hard way. Fine. I'll make it easier on you. Guess which side of this wall I jump out from and you get first shot."
The gunfire didn't stop.
"Wrong. Hasn't anyone ever told you all that vengeance is an idiot's game?"
Electra flipped around the damaged wall, her gun leading the way. Her eyes caught sight of the targets. Two thieves she knew well. They sold themselves to avenge a cause that was crumbling. The Gambit must stand, for them. For her, it meant nothing.
It took them two mags to draw her out. It took her two rounds to end the fight.
"Be glad I only disarmed you. Leave, and if you're going to come back for me? Bring an army."
This wonderful art was done by Chamommile!
Also, the song I was listening to while writing this, which is coincidentally the opposite of what she states. I wonder why..?
Dimension: 1200 x 823
File Size: 1.11 Mb